Sunday, December 11, 2011

Sound Philosophy? - A BLOG MADE FROM OTHER BLOGS,,, All Originated by Herb Anthony

by Herb Anthony,,,  written "sometime-somewhere -somehow-"
    God only knows, and only God knows.
    I don't advocate a belief in God or against God. To think there is NOT a God is as irrelevant as to believe there IS a God, ; I say "irrelevant Only in this respect",,,,,,          If there is no "God," then the job of creating our future is OURS AND OURS ALONE.
    However, even If God DOES exist, he has given us the tools, our intellect and dexterity, so once again the job becomes, OURS AND OURS ALONE!
    Like pawns, drones, widgets and other such adjectives used to describe the people Jesus Christ came to enlighten, are ALL unknowingly and unwittingly taking part in a struggle of Universal proportions
    God only knows, and only God knows.
    Today is one of those daze when my depression balances on the verge of letting me leave this world behind, and/or staying to fulfill the reason I believe is my reason to be.
    This reason to be, is, as was, a man of historical consequence.
Nameless, I will probably be, but my goals and purpose, I aim true.
    The Id within, is the I within me, the self which sincerely and honestly believes there is a workable solution, by which ALL peoples from ALL places and nations thereof, can begin a new peaceful co-existence.